Event Funding Application Process (NZ)
The Trust's mission is to uplift ourselves and help others to do the same by promoting Yuan Tze Ren Xue and Yuan Gong in the areas of education, health and research and offers financial support to teachers living in New Zealand and organising events such as a retreat, workshop or stall promoting any aspect of Ren Xue.
What we fund:
If your event will not generate an income such as a promotional stall, or workshop where it would be inappropriate to charge, you can apply for partial support towards costs (eg stall fees). In such cases there is no expectations of the money being repaid.
If you are running an event with the aim of generating income, you can apply for support with up-front costs. If, after the event, your income covers these costs, you would be expected to repay the amount funded by the Trust so it can go on to support other events. All income generated additional to the funding received from the trust would be your profit.
If your event does not get the numbers you need to go ahead, (ie to cover your base costs), the Trust will consider helping to underwrite your event to ensure that it can take place.
Who and How Much:
The amounts will vary each year depending on finances available and will be determined on a case-by-case basis.
Funding is available to any certified New Zealand teacher running an event in New Zealand
If you would like to apply for funds please request an application form from Val Swatridge: [email protected] Please also include a brief outline of your event and details of your budget including your expected expenses and income along with the amount of funding you are seeking.
The Trust to is happy to offer more than financial help to ensure teachers’ events are successful, so please see this process as a conversation and contact us if there are other ways we can help along the way.
At this stage event funding is available to New Zealand teachers only
What we fund:
If your event will not generate an income such as a promotional stall, or workshop where it would be inappropriate to charge, you can apply for partial support towards costs (eg stall fees). In such cases there is no expectations of the money being repaid.
If you are running an event with the aim of generating income, you can apply for support with up-front costs. If, after the event, your income covers these costs, you would be expected to repay the amount funded by the Trust so it can go on to support other events. All income generated additional to the funding received from the trust would be your profit.
If your event does not get the numbers you need to go ahead, (ie to cover your base costs), the Trust will consider helping to underwrite your event to ensure that it can take place.
Who and How Much:
The amounts will vary each year depending on finances available and will be determined on a case-by-case basis.
Funding is available to any certified New Zealand teacher running an event in New Zealand
If you would like to apply for funds please request an application form from Val Swatridge: [email protected] Please also include a brief outline of your event and details of your budget including your expected expenses and income along with the amount of funding you are seeking.
The Trust to is happy to offer more than financial help to ensure teachers’ events are successful, so please see this process as a conversation and contact us if there are other ways we can help along the way.
At this stage event funding is available to New Zealand teachers only