Ren Xue is an empowering system to cultivate life itself.
Created by Yuan Tze, Ren Xue takes its roots in Chinese culture (Traditional Chinese Medicine, Martial Arts & philosophy to name a few). Through the teachings of Ren Xue, Yuan Tze has made available thousands of years of wisdom traditionally held secret and hidden from most. Yuan Tze has also developed a deep understanding & appreciation of the Western Culture since living in New Zealand. This enabled Yuan Tze to design a system that is both accessible and profound, adjusted to our modern era while still conveying the wisdom that he received from masters before him. Ren Xue is a sound reference system for life and the solid theoretical foundation on which Yuan Gong and Yuan Ming have been developed. Originally from China, Qigong is a ancient health practice and one of the healing (or health preserving) modalities of the Traditional Chinese Medicine system. Qigong is built upon a very comprehensive understanding of life which differs from our current Western model: life is seen as a totality of body, mind, heart, Qi & Shen so the physical body is only one aspect of life. Yuan Gong takes its roots in this profound understanding of life yet it is also a modern and innovative system as it has been adapted to suit our modern & busy life. As a result, it offers us a unique and very practical tool to empower ourselves. Safe & effective, it is easy-to-learn and has the potential to transform our life in a positive & uplifting way when practiced regularly.
Qigong literally translates as “cultivating Qi” (pronounced “Chee”) with Qi being understood as the most basic building block of everything in the universe and therefore human life as well. Although Qi is often loosely translated as "energy" it is far more than that. Qi consists of energy, material and information. From a Qi perspective, for our life to be in an optimal state of health and wellbeing, we need to have plenty of good Qi flowing well. Yet as we all know and experience, our life is often not as healthy and well as we would like it to be: we might feel stressed, anxious or tired, have all sorts of ailments which literally wear us down. Life is such a complex mix of internal reality (the state of our body, mind & heart), and external one (as our environment, the weather, work, family, friends, the place where we live and so on also affect our life). When we really start taking into consideration all that affects us on a daily basis it is easy to see that at the most fundamental level of our life we are probably more often than not depleted and off-balance. And at the most fundamental level, all these aspects of life are a form of Qi. When we practice Yuan Gong, we bring our Qi back to its natural state of health and balance. Although the physical movements we do are an important part of a practice, our mind activity and the state we are in are essential aspects of life. Therefore when we practice Yuan Gong, we bring all these different aspects of our life together. As a self-training method and mostly internal practice Yuan Gong can only be experienced first-hand. If you are able to keep your mind and heart open and give Yuan Gong a go the quality of your life might rapidly speak for itself. Would you like to give Yuan Gong a go? |